Due Diligence

Prior to carrying out a due diligence exercise we write a Due Diligence Project Plan covering all aspects of the process together with a cost estimate and timetable.

We check with all the parties to try to get to the truth of the issues and research their backgrounds locally and with our industry contacts. We take care that our investigations do not impact on any high level negotiations and use our discretion at all times so as not to cause embarrassment. Where possible we verify all information supplied by cross referencing with different sources.

We carry out a financial audit and look at all aspects of the business that may impinge on the finances. In addition we carry out a detailed management audit covering whatever is necessary to obtain a complete picture. We check compliance with local, national or international regulations together with industry codes and practices.

All of the above usually involves a visit to the site and discussions with the local authorities or regulatory bodies and all other concerned parties. Where necessary we will appoint sub-contractors like solicitors or engineers or engage local experts like translators. Our final report lists the various facts, how they were obtained and any doubts as to their veracity together with an exception report comparing our results to the Due Diligence Project Plan.